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Mae Hilty Memorial Library: Borrowing

Borrowing policies


Item Location Loan period Renewals Fine: 1st day Fine: next days
Reserve books Behind front desk

until 9 a.m. on the next weekday after checkout


up to $10

Books Near glass study rooms 2 weeks 1 $.20 $.20
DVDs Near glass study rooms 3 days (some DVDs only) none $10 $10
Reference books Near anatomical models In-library use only
Anatomical models Near journal wall In-library use only
Journals Near enclosed study
In-library use only

Special collection
(archive items)

Ask library staff In-library use only

Note:  One copy of all reserve books remains in the library for in-library use only.  Additional copies are available for short-term check-out starting at 12 noon.  You may place a reserve book on hold up to one day in advance.  Reserve books checked out on Friday afternoon are due by 9 a.m. on the following Monday morning.


time is money  If you accumulate a fine of $10 or more, you may be blocked from registering for
  the next trimester or from graduating.  Please see any of the library staff to
  clear your fine.



DAMAGE                                                                                                                                                      torn book
If you lose or damage a library item, you may be asked to replace it.  We understand that your budget may be limited – but so is ours.  Thank you for treating our library materials with care.

Contact Us

Main Desk: (281) 998-6049
E-services: (281) 998-6054
Director: (281) 998-6054

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